Webmaster's SEO Tools
Backlink Builder This tools help you build a LOT of quality backlinks, it searches for websites of the theme you specify that contain keyphrases like "Add link", "Add site", "Add URL", "Add URL", "Submit URL" etc. Most of the results could be potential backlinks.
. BackLink Checker Backlink Checker will check from where you are getting all your backlinks, whats the PR of the page, if that has nofollow tag and how many outbound links it has. Great Too!
The Neat-O-Backlink Tool This tool is to check your backlinks and the anchor text used in those backlinks.
Search Engine Positioning Enter URL/Keyword - Displays top 100 for 5 Search Engines. This will tell you exactly what page are your site in Google, MSN, Yahoo,etc.
Search Engine Positioning Enter URL/Keyword - Displays top 100 for 5 Search Engines. This will tell you exactly what page are your site in Google, MSN, Yahoo,etc.
Adword Keyword Generator Combine words script with stemming for PPC systems.
Link Popularity Checker Lists inbound links from 7 search engines & provides history.
SEO Links Extention A totally new and smart way to check SEO stats while you surf
Adword Keyword Generator Combine words script with stemming for PPC systems.
Link Popularity Checker Lists inbound links from 7 search engines & provides history.
SEO Links Extention A totally new and smart way to check SEO stats while you surf
Sitescore Sitescore is a free tool which rates how well designed, popular and accessible your website is.
Search Engine Ranking Report Input key phrase list & get Google & Yahoo Rankings..
SEO TEST This test is a preview version of our SEO Doc tool. Input your URL and keyword and the tool will check your page optimization.
Free Website Submission Submission script will submit your website URL to 20+ top search engines for free, including Google
Config Security and Firewall CSF is SPI iptables firewall that is comprehensive, straight-forward, easy and flexible to configure and secure with more checks to ensure smooth operation.
Fake Page Rank Checker
Analyze if the Pagerank of a website is Valid or not with other information like number of backlinks, indexed pages, alexa ranking etc.
Fake Page Rank Checker

Is your IP Blacklisted Great tool to check if your IP / Domain / Mail server etc. is Blacklisted.
Free Blacklist Monitoring Blacklist monitoring: Email alerts if your server shows up on any of 150 email blacklists
Check for No Follow This is one of the very important tool in the industry. This tool helps you to check " No Follow " tag.
Keyword Forecasting Tool by MSN Adsence Tools has following features : Number of searched over the past year, A forecast of number of searches in the coming months, Keyword age distribution, Keyword gender distribution
Google "Supplemental Results" Identifier A supplemental result is just like a regular web result, except that it's pulled from our supplemental index.
Page Strength The tool is designed to satisfy the curiosity of webmasters, surfers and web marketing professionals seeking a better metric to quickly assess a site/page's relative importance and visibility.
Google Trends Google Trends allows a user to compare among two to five keywords with respect to how many times users have searched, and how many times such have appeared on news items, as keywords and topics.
Top Ten Analysis SEO Tool Top 10 Analysis SEO Tool: For a search phrase, finds the top 10 results (and your URL) in Google, and for each of those sites, finds Yahoo rank, MSN rank, number of pages indexed, backlinks (page/domain/.edu), alexa traffic rank, allinanchor rank, age of the domain (whois), age of the domain (wayback machine), a count of the search phrase on each page, and a link to find related pages in google.
Link Suggestion Tool Use this link popularity suggestion tool to find possible pages
from where you can get a link to your page .
Google Datacenters Popularity Checker Tool This free seotool will show how many links are pointed to your website on different Google datacenters .
Page Rank Decoder The PageRank Decoder allows you to visually see how Google factors PageRank based off of link structure. Be sure to view the Demo first.
Search Engine Decoder Search Engine Decoder.
Visual PageRank The Visual PageRank - Tool shows all links and there corresponding PageRanks.
Bulk Google Page Rank Checker Tool Bulk Google Page Rank Checker Too, check up to 25 link at one time.
Top Competitor Tool This tool shows the top domains for a particular keyword in Google, Yahoo, and MSN.
Live Page Rank Live Page Rank Update.
Alexaholic Alexaholic blends Alexa website traffic graphs with a lightweight ajax-enhanced interface to satisfy hard-core Alexa traffic chart junkies – aka Alexaholics.
Sandbox Detection Run this tool to determine if your site is in the sandbox
Google Analytics Google Analytics tells you everything you want to know about how your visitors found you and how they interact with your site. Focus your marketing resources on campaigns and initiatives that deliver ROI, and improve your site to convert more visitors.
Link Value This tool calculates the link value per month of a given website.
This value can be used for your decision you should purchase a link on that page.
Cloaking Detector This tool simulates the Googlebot (based on User-Agent) to detect cloaked content.
Pagerank Script for your website Page Rank Script of Google and Alexa Ranking for your website.,
Website Analyzer The Website Analyzer's Keyword Density allow you to quickly determine the correct keyword density mix on the top scoring pages using spider technology similar to the search engines.
Google vs Yahoo Graph Graphic display of top 50 in Google & Yahoo linked.
Keyword Density Analyzer Enter URL, determines density of 1, 2, and 3 word phrases.
Multi DC PageRank Checker Check PR values across all Google datacenters.
Retrieve SERPs Google datacenter SERP checker.
This tool allows you to preview Kontera Ads on your website.
Kontera is considered as one of the good alternatives to google adsense.
Kontera is considered as one of the good alternatives to google adsense.
Page Strength The tool is designed to satisfy the curiosity of webmasters, surfers and web marketing professionals seeking a better metric to quickly assess a site/page's relative importance and visibility.
IP Location Lookup This is not an SEO tool, but is very useful in determining the geographic location of an IP address using a bit of AJAX and Google Maps.
Keyword Difficulty Used to analyze the competitive landscape of a particular search term or phrase, this tool issues a percentage score and provides a detailed analysis of the top ranking sites at google and Yahoo.
Strongest Subpages Tool This tool will find 30 of the strongest subpages of the domain entered, and will show how many other sites are linking to those pages.
Deep Link Ratio Tool This tool was created to analyze how the deep link ratio of a site affects its rank in search engines. We can use this tool to compare the DLRs for the best ranking sites for a search phrase.
Speed Tester This tool shows the duration of a given website.
This value can be used for showing how long a website take to load and
if it is better to optimize the website or change a (slow) ISP.
This value can be used for showing how long a website take to load and
if it is better to optimize the website or change a (slow) ISP.
Alexa Page Ranking Cut & Paste or browse file for domain list - Displays Alexa Ranking.Good for checking large number of domains.
Alexa Rank Tool 3 month, 1 week, today Alexa Rank.
Alexa Ranking Cut & Paste or browse file for domain list - Displays Alexa Ranking.Good for checking large number of domains.
Alexa Related Rank Check Input up to ten domains - get 1 week, 3 month average & 3 month up/down Alexa Ranking.
SEO Checklist There are "over 100 SEO factors" that Google uses to rank pages in the Google search results (SERPs). What are the search engine optimization rules?
SEO Checklist There are "over 100 SEO factors" that Google uses to rank pages in the Google search results (SERPs). What are the search engine optimization rules?
Backlink Summary This tool will give you get a summary of your competitors backlinks.
Backlink Anchor Text Analysis It is not enough just to have a lot of backlinks, it is the Quality of backlinks along with the Quantity that help you rank better in Search Engines. This tools help you determine the backlinks of your website and the link text used by your backlinks to Link to your website.
Atom & RSS Feed Validator RSS feeds validator
W3C Markup Validation Service Official W3C compliance validator
Adword Keyword Generator Combine words script with stemming for PPC systems.
Combine Words Combine words script for PPC systems.
Search Engine Placement Check Enter URL/Keyword - Displays top 30 for 11 Search Engines..
Search Engine Position Checker Enter URL/Keyword - Displays top 50 for 9 Search Engines.
Dogpile Search Comparison Shows top results from 3 search engine.
Google vs Yahoo Graph Graphic display of top 50 in Google & Yahoo linked.
Search Results Compared Google, Yahoo, MSN results in one search
Yahoo-Google Search Shows top 100 Yahoo/Google results together.
Free Broken Link Checker Tests all links site wide and reports any broken links.
Free Link Checker Tests all links for entered URL page and reports any broken links.
One Way Link Verify Track your one-way links - Shows status and PR.
Online Free Reciprocal Link Checker Enter links - Reports back which ones are up, down or unreachable.
Site Link Analyzer Lists internal and external links for input URL.
Free Google Keyword Ranking Tool Search with list of keywords from differnet Google search sites
Advanced Google Search Methods Enter domain/keyword and do different Google searches like site etc.
Free Keyword Search Tool Displays keyword data using Wordtracker and Google search results.
Free Meta Keywords Tool Reads meta keywords and hotlinks them to 3 keyword mining tools.
Google Keyword Suggestions Queries Google for related relevant and popular terms.
Keyword Generator Keyword searches from Espotting Media's (UK) PPC database.
Keyword Popularity Tool Search Overture & WordTrackers database - Mines these terms with dictionary, thesaurus etc.
Keyword Research Tool Tool returns similar keywords found in the meta keywords of sites searched by your choice of 9 search engines.
Keyword Suggestion Tool Keyword searches from Overture and Wordtracker (Wordtracker displays singular/plural & correct order).
Keyword Suggestion Tool How popular are your keywords? This tool will show you approximately how many daily searches your keywords would get. Use this tool to pick the best keywords for your website.
Website Keyword Suggestions Provides keyword suggestions along and keyword traffic estimates for the entered website.
Check BL URL & IP & Find Age Tool Shows unique domains linking to you.
Link Popularity Checker Lists inbound links from 7 search engines & provides history.
Link Popularity Checker Shows inbound links for Google, Yahoo, MSN, Altavista, Allintheweb & Hotbot.
Link Quality Assessment Shows IBLs, dir.yahoo, DMOZ, EDU, & GOV links.
Cool Cache SEO Tool This tool checks whether URLs have been cached by Google, and if so, shows the date they were last cached.
Backlink Checker Input webpage - Returns number of inbound links for each PR position.
Page Rank Search Results Displays Google results with PR - Simular as the Prog tool.
Google PageRank Calculator Input keyword - Shows PR and Backlinks.
Robots.txt Syntax Checker Checks your robots.txt file for errors.
Robots.txt Validator Checks your robots.txt file for errors.
Robots.txt Generator Creates simple robots.txt file.
Google Toolbar For Firefox Download File - Toolbar displays PageRank has Google Search.
Yahoo Toolbar For Firefox Download file - Toolbar for Yahoo Search.
Advanced Meta Tag Generator Sophisticated meta tag generator.
Yahoo Rank Position Shows Yahoo rank position, numbmer of entries indexed.
Search Engine Spider Simulator Enter URL - Displays page content minus code.
Search Engine Optimizer Enter URL - Webpage optimization stats.
to be updated SubmitEdge.com
to be updated SubmitEdge.com
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